The Apprentice
Using Entrepreneurship to engage young people
We have found that one of the most productive ways of engaging children and young people is to bring the Digital World to life. To allow people to immerse themselves in the world they already know. To this end our product to embrace entrepreneurship is based on the hit TV Series The Young Apprentice.
What is the Programme?
The programme is broken down into 3 sections with each of the sections being its own 12 week course.
Course 1 Learning
Course 2 Applying
Course 3 Building
The programme will provide children and young people with the opportunity to learn key life and business skills and then apply them to real life scenarios. It will take them out of their comfort zone and into the real world of business. They will learn attributes such as resilience, teamwork, lateral thinking and hard work. They will learn how to publicly speak, pitch and market a product as well as other key business skills.
They will come away with an understanding of key business concepts. But most importantly they will become confident and independent people who will understand and be able to deal with real life problems.
An example of what they will do in course 1 LEARNING
Split into groups they will decide upon a business idea. In the first few weeks they will learn skills such as business planning, pitching and key concepts such as cash flow and profit and loss. Then as a group they must use those skills to pitch to our panel. The panel will then decide how much seed funding they will receive.
They will then use that seed funding to grow their business idea via thought provoking, fun and challenging real life tasks such as procurement, trading and digital marketing tasks.
Now do they keep that seed funding in their business and pay interest on it or do they repay it and be debt free?
At the end of course the top two businesses will battle it out to find which has been the most successful.
Unlike the real show nobody gets fired but they all work collaboratively to deliver an end of course finale.
Want to find out more?
We are currently ruining pilot schemes with a number of Schools, Local Authorities and Charities
To obtain more information or to register your interest please click below.