If you want to engage people who have deselected themselves from traditional sport, simply make sport non-traditional.
We are all individuals
The notion that sport and movement is a one size fits all idea that is designed by adults for the needs of adults is simply wrong. We need to move away from this approach and focus on the needs of the individual and provide the environment that meets this need. To this end we have 3 offerings, Development, Free Play and Sport Specific training.
Working with local communities to provide activities and games for the whole family to take part in. From huge community events to weekly family games to get communities playing together.
Free Play
Quite possibly our most important part of the sports programme it provides children with the opportunity to sample a whole host of different sports, games and activities.
Sport Specific
For those children that wish to specialise in specific sports we can provide this pathway through our own expert coaching programmes or with very carefully selected partners.