Matt Goodman
The CEO and Founder of Active Future. Holds various National Governing Body Qualifications as well a degree in Sports Science, MSc in Sports Coaching and undertaking a PhD by publication. His area of study is the environments that lead to drop out in sport. He has published in a number of areas and is well respected within the sporting community.
Dan Horsley
A highly qualified practitioner with a keen eye for detail. A first class degree in sports coaching and undertaking an MSc in Sports Psychology. Dan has also published and his area of expertise is around philosophy in coaching. Dan is qualified in football coaching to Level 3 as well as having other National Governing Body Qualifications to Level 2.
Kirsty Lincoln
Kirsty provides the glue that holds us all together. Another with an almost forensic eye for detail. She is our Operations Director as well as North east Master Franchisee. Kirsty is qualified to degree level in Sports Coaching and holds a number of level 2 qualifications.