Our Development Programme has been established to provide children with an engaging and positive first experience of sport and movement. It builds a strong foundation of physical literacy and helps educate on what quality provision should look like.

The first part of the course is a 12 week cycle which incorporates a number of key areas as defined within the Early Years Foundation Stage. The most important aspect for Active Future is that we instil a love of movement which will come from the sessions being fun, challenging and engaging for all and delivered through play.

We strongly believe that development sessions should not be sports specific but instead provide your child with fundamental movement skills so that they are then better prepared to make sporting choices at a later date.

Through this 12 week course we will be able to track your children’s progress. The next step after Development will either be through our Free Play sessions or they may wish to try to sample some specific sports.

For each course there are only 12 places available should you wish to apply for a place please fill in some basic details below and one of our specialists will be in touch.