Multi-Sports Summer Holiday Camps

*Including Nerf Battles


Week 3: Monday 5th - Thursday 8th August

Week 4: Monday 12th - Thursday 15th August

Time: 10.00am - 3.00pm


What do we do?

We are focused on helping all children fall in love with physical activity, increasing the likelihood of lifelong participation as it has so many benefits! We help children socially develop and gain greater confidence too!

Throughout our Multi-Sports Camps, the children will get the opportunity to take part in lots of different activities ranging from traditional sports such as basketball, football, hockey, tag rugby to non-traditional movement activities such as nerf battles, dodgeball, tag and chase games, den building, obstacle courses and lots more! We believe in a child-centered approach so these activities are subject to change based on the needs and preferences of the children attending.

A typical day may look like the following but is subject to change:

Further Information:

Our camps are suitable for Children age 5-15 years old.

These camps run from 10.00am-3.00pm with drop off and registration between 10.00-10.05am and collection between 2.55-3.00pm

Children will require: Comfortable clothing for physical activity, trainers, a packed lunch and a drink. ENTER ABOUT WATERPROOF/SUN CREAM AS REQUIRED HERE!


The cost is £60 for full 4 days or £18 per single day (Including 20% VAT).

How to Book:

Places are limited and are offered on a first come first served basis. Please book your childs place by following the link below, please note we are now using a different booking system and payment is taken at the time of booking.